
Customer Testimonial

My husband and I had the privilege of being customers of Hallak Cleaners when we lived in Manhattan. About a year ago, we moved to California and woefully miss your impeccable ability to clean any fabric with diligence and care and the excellent service we always received from your business. Because no one else comes close to the superior services Hallak Cleaners provides, we have recently decided to begin shipping some of our clothes to you for cleaning.

– MK, Montery CA

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Woman in an animal print dress standing on a rock near water

In Memory of Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli (1940-2024) Imagine a world draped in wild prints and infused with the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll. This was the fashion landscape sculpted

Pretty scene of a window with both cream and green window treatments. Table with flowers and chair in front of the window.

Window Treatment Sale

Window Treatment Sale April 1st thru April 13th 20% Cleaning of Window Treatments Hallak Cleaners is holding a window treatment sale that provides 20% off

Pretty ivory scar with a floral print and purple edging.

How to Wash a Silk Scarf

Embracing the luxurious touch of a silk scarf can instantly elevate your fashion game, but maintaining its pristine allure requires a delicate touch. Allow Hallak