
Customer Testimonial Posts

Interested in what brides have to say about us? Please scroll through our customer testimonial page.

Did you know that we offer both pre and post wedding services so trust Hallak for all your bridal needs.  Both locations boast on-site tailoring departments.  However, we do suggest you call ahead to make an appointment.  Purchase a sample gown? No need to worry.  Our expert cleaning team will have your gown looking it’s best for your Big Day.  Curious about post-wedding cleaning and preservation? Call our bridal consultant or simply  visit our wedding gown cleaning and preservation cost estimator.

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In Memory of Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli (1940-2024) Imagine a world draped in wild prints and infused with the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll. This was the fashion landscape sculpted

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Window Treatment Sale

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How to Wash a Silk Scarf

Embracing the luxurious touch of a silk scarf can instantly elevate your fashion game, but maintaining its pristine allure requires a delicate touch. Allow Hallak