Hallak Cleaners’ specialty designer handbag cleaning.
Whether fabric or leather, each purse is carefully inspected, hand-cleaned and refinished. Over the years, we love seeing the array of bags including: Burberry, Chanel, Christian Dior, Coach, Gucci, Hermes, Longchamp, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Tods and Yves St. Laurent. See why so many of these boutiques refer Hallak to their clients. Learn more about luggage cleaning services as well.
A Peek at our Professional Handbag Care
Fabric Handbags
Fabric handbags such as Christian Dior’s Booktotes are versatile and iconic. Due to regular wear, fabric bags are prone to stains, discoloration, and general wear. We gently remove dirt, oils, and stains while preserving the material’s texture.
Suede Handbags
Suede purses need special care due to their delicate and porous texture. Hallak’s cleaning process includes professional brushing and treatments. We are able to lift dirt and remove stains without damaging your handbag’s soft, velvety finish. Ask about our conditioning treatments to revive your suede’s natural luster.
Leather Purses
Leather handbags are timeless classics and a favorite. As you may already know, accumulate scratches, marks, and wear over time. While leather looks great a little broken in, there is a point where professional care is needed. Our leather cleaning includes cleaning, stain removal, and reconditioning. For more extreme cases, color restoration is needed. Hallak’s premium leather care maintains the leather’s integrity.
Fur Crocodile Handbags
Fur and crocodile handbags are luxurious pieces that demand expert care. There is no way around it. You do not want to self-clean any of these items. Trust in a specialized cleaning service tailored to clean these unique skins. With careful attention to detail, we protect from drying or cracking. Preserve your bag’s value and beauty for years to come.
For the best results, clean your handbags routinely. Over time, stains settle in making them more difficult to remove. And worn areas become trickier to repair or camoflauge.
Hallak Cleaners makes every attempt to restore all bags to their original beauty, but certain stains may not be removable. We encourage to request a quote or stop by one of our locations – New York and Bergen County. Free pick-up and delivery available in Manhattan, Westchester, Bergen County, Short Hills, and Greenwich.
Handbag Cleaning Estimate
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