Think Green

Think Green … it is not enough just to state you’re “Green”.
When you think of Hallak, we want you to think ‘green’. In the fifty plus years of business, environmental issues are always a question. After all, dry cleaning has some negative stereotypes. However, it does not have to be this way.
As a consumer, it is your right to know what we are using and doing to protect your community. Likewise, we appreciate your concern. For one thing, this is our Earth too. We take our responsibility to the environment very seriously.
Thanks to technology dry cleaners have increasingly new eco-conscious tools. While providing you the highest level of garment care, we also do our part. And for that, we are thankful.
Thinking ‘green’ has become a way of life for us. So, we are continuously looking at new ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
Here are some of our environmentally-friendly practices:
- Cleaning solvents are recycled through state-of-the-art filtering and distillation equipment to meet EPA standards.
- Hallak Cleaners meets and exceeds clean air and safe water standards.
- Awarded EP Certificate of Environmental Stewardship
- Given four green leaves by the Green Cleaners Council
- Recycling paper and cardboard waste. Customers may also partake in a recyclable hanger program.
- A safe and responsible method to collect and dispense any dry cleaning waste.
- Utilizing the latest non-petroleum dry-cleaning solvents.
- Assessing and updating facilities (e.g. taking advantage of energy efficient lights).
Hallak’s plant located at 172 Johnson Avenue in Bergen County (New Jersey) won the 2011 Plant Design Award (from American Drycleaners Magazine).
Hallak Cleaners is one of the first GreenEarth Cleaners in the New York Metro area. If you are not familiar with this eco-friendly dry cleaning, the difference is liquid silicon. Instead of typical petrochemical solvents, GreenEarth uses liquid silicon because of its cleaning properties. In addition to being great for cleaning, it is also wonderful for the environment. What good is clean fashion without a clean planet? As technology continues to make strides, we take great pride in staying knowledgeable on the latest equipment and solvents available.
While it is important to be enviro-friendly, we also want to make sure that you are not be shorted in cleanliness. We go through extensive measures researching in new solvents, products and equipment that really provide the most optimum results.
If you are ready to try out our eco-friendly drycleaning, schedule your pick-up with ease by calling (212) 832-0750 or emailing us. Free pick-up and delivery in Manhattan, Westchester, Greenwich, Hamptons and North Jersey.