
Customer Testimonial

Many, many thanks for the wonderful results you achieved with the christening dress, coat, sweater, etc. that I recently brought to you. When I received everything back, it looked as thought it was new, even though it was 60 years old! What absolutely outstanding work!

My family and I very much appreciate what you did.
— KM, New York, NY

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Woman in an animal print dress standing on a rock near water

In Memory of Roberto Cavalli

Roberto Cavalli (1940-2024) Imagine a world draped in wild prints and infused with the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll. This was the fashion landscape sculpted

Pretty scene of a window with both cream and green window treatments. Table with flowers and chair in front of the window.

Window Treatment Sale

Window Treatment Sale April 1st thru April 13th 20% Cleaning of Window Treatments Hallak Cleaners is holding a window treatment sale that provides 20% off

Pretty ivory scar with a floral print and purple edging.

How to Wash a Silk Scarf

Embracing the luxurious touch of a silk scarf can instantly elevate your fashion game, but maintaining its pristine allure requires a delicate touch. Allow Hallak